Stamped Engineering Corporation was contracted to complete an analyzer project for a refinery in Alberta. The Analyzer project consisted of the design, fabrication and install of two analyzer probes into the UFG (untreated fuel gas) / TFG (treated fuel gas).
Stamped Engineering Corporation performed all relevant calculations, stress analysis, and complete design of the probe shape, dimensions, and material for the analyzer probes for both treated fuel gas and untreated fuel gas.
We conducted piping stress analysis. We also provided calculations for probe vibration natural frequency versus shed frequency, computed the probe bending stresses. The client required the insertion length into the product line and the vibration calculation (or wave calculation) to be completed. Based on this information, we recommended insertion length by use of the vortex shedding theory.
Based on the design conditions, the frequency limits were under control so that the steady state flow conditions would not coincide with the probe resonance. Thus, ensuring the probe would not pass through the cyclic stress conditions for operation at the in-line resonance. We had decided to select the probes to meet the worst scenario that is under normal operation for both treated fuel gas and untreated fuel gas. We ensured that the full bending stresses weigh-induced and flow-induce against the probes would be lower than the SS316 allowable stress for both treated and untreated gases.
Stamped Engineering Corporation took on the responsibility to provide three local quotations for fabrication, with 5-day fabrication deadlines. The quotations included competitive pricing, contact information, emails and correspondence, facility accreditation to perform with work as per codes and standards, and drawings for fabrication. In addition, design and material specifications were also provided to the vendor so that the quotations would be in line with what Stamped Engineering Corporation had designed. We provided the client with data sheets and concluded the summary of our data calculations and findings in a final report. The client than used this information to source and fabricate the probes as per the specifications and bill of materials provided by Stamped Engineering Corporation.
The end user was pleased with our methodology and calculations.